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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Future For The Leamouth Peninsula

As Trinity Buoy Wharf grows as does the peninsular as a whole and the next few years
promise an exciting future ahead.

To help the area grow and become more accessible The Leamouth Bridge will be built to provide a valuable link between Canning Town and the River Thames allowing a two way cycle and pedestrian route across previously unused land.

Architects Whitby Bird won the competition with a sleek, futuristic design that will not only improve accessibility but also serve as great example of functional modern urban architecture.

The project is being led by Leaside Regeneration Ltd and funded by the ODPM as part of the Thames Gateway plans. It is also one of the first bridges to be adopted by the Olympic Committee's Masterplan for 100 bridges on the River Lea to improve East to West links.

Ballymore, a major residential property developer, has also seen the potential in this area and has a large scale mixed use scheme planned.

The largest site is the former Pura foods depot located at the northern end of the peninsular backing on to Orchard Place.

In addition to the 4,000 new apartments, the vision includes restaurants, cafes and various improvements to the environment including a wildlife habitat and a bridge linking the site directly to Canning Town Tube Station.

To help build on the work that Trinity Buoy Wharf has started, a major cultural Centre has been planned on the site for community events, cultural arts and public performances.

Other plans for the area include a river walkway that runs from Trinity Buoy Wharf around East India Dock and on to Virginia Quay.

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