A Bridge to the Future
The City of Philadelphia and Fairmount Park are completing an 18 month comprehensive study to formulate a plan for the future needs of the Fairmount Park system. The purpose of this plan was to gather significant input from citizens and stakeholders to form the vision for the park system.
The result of this planning process is a strategic plan that will serve as a road map for the Fairmount Park system with intensive implementation efforts for the first five years and continued implementation through the following five years. This plan outlines strategies to leverage the tremendous resources of the park to create a more financially sustainable operation. Through leadership, commitment, and hard work, this strategic plan can be fulfilled and provide “A Bridge to the Future.”
The Fairmount Park Strategic Planning project encompasses a comprehensive approach to gathering community input through a wide variety of means and evaluating operations of Fairmount Park and parallel activities with the Recreation Department. In addition, a review of financial requirements, partnerships and volunteer coordination, and recreation facility needs assessment is included and strategies for each will be developed. The current governance system will also be evaluated to determine effectiveness.
Project Overview
Specific tasks include:
Task 1 - Project Kick-off/Communications
Task 2 - Community/Stakeholder Input
Task 3 - Operational Review
Task 4 - Park Facilities/Recreation Program Review
Task 5 - Financial Resources/Partnership Review
Task 6 - Park Governance Review
Task 7 - Strategic Plan Development
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