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Monday, April 7, 2008

future bridge renderings



Scott G. Wahl, Deputy Director

The four divisions within Engineering are Development Services, Project Design & Administration, Special Projects, and Traffic/Solid Waste Engineering.

Development Services

The Development Services Division is responsible f

or the administration of Permanent Road Dvisions (PRDs); assessment districts; County Surveyor functions; CSA Community Advisory Boards; CSA formations, annexations, and engineering; subdivision and encroachment field inspection

s; flood plain administration; land use projects review, approval, and inspection; and transportation permits.

Project Design & Administration

The Project Design and Administration Division designs and administers the construction of bridge and road projects. Bridge projects include bridge replacement, bridge rehabilitation, seismic retrofit, and bridge railing upgrades. Road projects inclu

de realignment, reconstruction, overlays, and chip seals. Additionally, the division includes the R

ight-of-Way office, which oversees public property acquisition and disposals.

Special Projects

The Special Projects Division of the Public Works Department is responsible for the design and contract administration of the County's capital improvements. Capital projects are all new County buildings and facilities, and remodels of existing buildings and facilities, over $30,000. Additionally, the Division is responsible for the Shasta County W


er Agency, special studies and reports, and labor compliance.

Traffic/Solid Waste

The Traffic and Solid Waste Division is responsbile for the design and contract administrati
the West Central Landfill, solid waste, septic, and fuel tanks. Additionally, the Division issues
encroachment permits
and special event permits, provides traffic engin

eering services, and functions as the Department's Safety Officer.


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